Het Britse Channel 4, de zender die ook de euvele moed had The Great Global Warming Swindle uit te zenden, zendt komende donderdag om 21.00 uur de documentaire uit “What the Green Movement Got Wrong“. Verwacht geen klimaatscepticime, maar wel net als bij Bjørn Lomborg (zie recente kritiek Wattsupwiththat.com) en Matt Ridley zelfs uitgaande van de realiteit van AGW een radicale breuk met het milieuactivistische denken en het omarmen van de voorheen zo verfoeide “technocratische oplossingen”.
De documentaire is na de reguliere uitzending te zien op 4oD (Channel 4 on Demand). Voor nu moeten we het doen met de begeleidende tekst waarin de bekeerde milieuactivist Mark Lynas al behoorlijk heftige uitspraken doet:
A group of environmentalists across the world believe that, in order to save the planet, humanity must embrace the very science and technology they once so stridently opposed.
In this film, these life-long diehard greens advocate radical solutions to climate change, which include GM crops and nuclear energy.
They argue that by clinging to an ideology formed more than 40 years ago, the traditional green lobby has failed in its aims and is ultimately harming its own environmental cause.
As author and environmentalist Mark Lynas says, ‘Being an environmentalist was part of my identity and most of my friends were environmentalists. We were involved in the whole movement together. It took me years to actually begin to question those core, cherished beliefs.
‘It was so challenging it was almost like going over to the dark side. It was a like a horrible dark secret you couldn’t share with anyone.’
Channel 4 organiseert na de documentaire ook een televisiedebat:
Krishnan Guru-Murthy chairs a studio debate to discuss the issues raised in the documentary, What the Green Movement Got Wrong.
The film’s leading protagonists, former anti-GM activist and author Mark Lynas and Stewart Brand, a pioneer of the original green lobby, face critics from today’s green movement in front of an informed studio audience.
Leading policy makers, commentators, scientists, entrepreneurs and economists debate the impact the green movement has had on global climate change and whether embracing the very science and technology the greens once so stridently opposed, such as GM crops and nuclear energy, would be more successful in reducing the risks to the planet from global warming.
Volgens een reageerder op de Channel4 website is er weinig debat nodig rondom het thema van de documentaire:
JACK HUGHES on Monday, November 01, 2010 at 16:41
I’m looking forward to the much shorter follow-up programme: What the green movement got right. It’s over in a few seconds.
"Being an environmentalist was part of my identity and most of my friends were environmentalists. We were involved in the whole movement together. It took me years to actually begin to question those core, cherished beliefs."
Dit vind ik toch wel de quote van de week :-)
OT, maar ik hoorde vandaag iets soortgelijks uit de mond van Doris Lessing