Zoals altijd is Koning Steve weer op dreef. Ditmaal over de spindoctors die Climategate-universiteit de Climatic Research Unit van de University of East Anglia inhuurde, om de dalende geloofwaardigheid van hun medewerkers te counteren in de pers na de lek van emails van medewerkers. (Climategate)

    Update: veel belangrijker nieuws zoals Theo al aangaf: CRU geeft toe dat de emails gelekt zijn van binnen uit, en niet ‘gestolen’ zoals de Spindoctors deden geloven, en wat alle kuch proest rochel, kwaliteitskranten papegaaiden.

De zelfde spindoctor van Naomi Campbell en Michael Jackson werd door de universiteit aangetrokken. McIntyre meldt dit na de arrestatie van Neil Wallis van Outside Organisation, collega van Alan Edwards.

Wat deden de Spindoctors van Phil Jones et al?
Zorgen dat Climategate ‘geframed’ werd in de pers als iets onschuldigs en een misdaad van hackers/Russische geheime dienst en allerlei nonsense om de aandacht af te leiden van de kern: onwetenschappelijk gedrag en verbergen van datamanipulatie door leidende wetenschappers in het IPCC-proces.

Less apparent is its work in the corporate field, where its activities tend to be rather more covert.
“We don’t advertise a lot of the things we do,” says Edwards, who was called in by the University of East Anglia when Climategate blew up. “That was really interesting. It’s very high level, and you’re very much in the background on that sort of thing.”

The university’s Climatic Research Unit wanted Outside to fire back some shots on the scientists’ behalf after leaked emails from the unit gave climate change skeptics ammunition and led to an avalanche of negative press about whether global warming was a real possibility.

Ross Mc Kittrick vult het interview aan met andere quotes..

“They came to us and said, ‘We have a huge problem – we are being completely knocked apart in the press,’” says Sam Bowen. “They needed someone with heavyweight contacts who could come in and sort things out, and next week there was a front-page story telling it from their side.”

Yes, it was just a communications problem. Glad they got it all sorted out.

Zie hoe de CRU op haar openingspagina al begint met zichzelf schoonpraten, verwijzend naar Oxburgh en hun PR-afdeling

Following the theft of data and emails from CRU in 2009, a number of inquiries and reviews have been completed.
“the scientific reputation of Professor Jones and CRU remains intact” (House of Commons Science and Technology Committee)
“we saw no evidence of any deliberate scientific malpractice in any of the work of the Climatic Research Unit” (Lord Oxburgh Science Assessment Panel)
“their rigour and honesty as scientists are not in doubt” (Sir Muir Russell ‘Independent’ Climate Change Emails Review)
“careful examination of the e-mails and their full context shows that the petitioners’ claims are exaggerated and are not a material or reliable basis to question the validity and credibility of the body of [climate] science” (US Environmental Protection Agency)
For further information and the latest news, please see the Media and Communications site.

Als het goed lijkt is het goed, de mantra van modern milieuactivistisch academieland