Vanaf 26 november is Oliestaat Qatar (30 procent meer CO2-uitstoot per hoofd bevolking dan Amerikaan) het toneel van alweer de 18de klimaatconferentie van de Verenigde Naties. De Europese Commissie wil voortrekker spelen voor een Kyoto 2: maar dan met lagere CO2-plafonds, en verder was er in Durban vorig jaar afgesproken nu écht dat klimaatfonds (= ontwikkelingshulp) te vullen met 100 miljard dollar Westers (geleend) geld per jaar. Om corrupte dictaturen rond de Evenaar te steunen in hun (letterlijke)strijd tegen klimaatverandering.
De Europese Commissie blijkt nog niet verlost van haar klimaatschizofrenie
Terwijl Westerse landen in de diepste economische crisis zitten sinds de jaren ’30 vorige eeuw meldt Europolitics dat de Europese Milieuraad verder wil met maatregelen die de economie terugwerpen naar de Middeleeuwen: ook wel ‘Klimaatbeleid’genoemd. (energie duurder maken en uitgeven van honderden miljarden subsidies aan niet renderende energievormen voor een symbolisch effect.) Eerder was nog sprake van het reserveren van 200 miljard euro voor 2020 voor Europees Klimaatbeleid, voor de begroting vanaf 2014.
7,2 miljard euro verdampt in 2 jaar
De vanuit de Europese Unie voor 2010-2012 toegezegde 7,2 miljard euro klimaatontwikkelingshulp voor de Afrikaanse strijd tegen klimaatverandering (dat woord strijd moet je vooral letterlijk nemen), zijn nu bijna verzameld: nog 3 landen protesteren, maar we vertrouwen er op dat NL weer braaf zijn groene duit in het zakje deed.
Polen ligt dwars, gelukkig
Alleen vechten landen als Polen nu tegen de Milieuraad met andere Oost Europese lidstaten voor hun schaliegasbelangen en tegen lage CO2-plafonds. De wijzen komen uit het Oosten tegenwoordig…
The Environment Council is under pressure from Poland – supported by the seven other Central and Eastern European member states – which is fighting every inch of the way to prove its case on the question of supplementary credits (assigned amount units or AAUs). The question was one of the last – but by no means the least important – to be resolved at the time of going to press, on 25 October, when ministers were meeting for talks in Luxembourg.
The issue must be cleared up in order that the 27 can adopt a negotiating mandate for the UN climate change conference that will take place in Doha, Qatar, from 26 November to 7
December this year. It is crucial that ministers agree on this issue so that the EU can present a united front at Doha, as well as demonstrating its will to stay at the forefront of the fight against climate
change. This is easier said than done, when the main point of disagreement between
member states will also be on the table at Doha, and will directly undermine the interests of countries, such as Russia and Ukraine.The issue has arisen around the question of what should be done with AAUs accumulated during the first commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol on the reduction of greenhouse gases (2008-2012) when the
second period starts in January 2013. Heading a coalition of eight countries, Poland has
called for all these credits to be carried over, and to be able to use the AAUs (estimated at
three billion tonnes CO2 equivalent) with no limits whatsoever. As a compromise, the European Commission has proposed carrying over all credits but with limits imposed on their use: this would be restricted to domestic use, with use in other EU countries only permitted on condition that the country concerned and/or the entire EU should raise its ambitions on reducing emissions.“No limit is acceptable, whether it is for the use or sale of AAUs,” said Polish Minister
Marcin Korolec upon his arrival in Luxembourg, adding that such limits would mean “vested interests”. “The Presidency knows very well what is acceptable for member states: another formula is needed,” he said,
while denying having made mention of a veto. Perhaps there is no ‘formal’ veto – but Warsaw is in a powerful position, since the mandate, which takes the form of Council conclusions, is adopted by consensus (no vote) but with unanimity.The Council should also confirm the EU’s will to commit to a second period under the
Kyoto Protocol, and to see the Doha conference adopt a decision to make operational the
road map adopted in Durban, South Africa, in 2011. It will also clarify that the EU will
keep its promise regarding aid for developing countries, and more particularly to rapid provision of funding; it has almost reached the €7.2 billion promised for the period 2010-
2012. At this stage, indicated a source close to the Commission, only three member states
have not yet confirmed their contribution.
bron Europolitics- 26 oktober 2012
Het wordt tijd om klimaatkosmopoliet Maas Goote te laten arresteren, want hij is hiervoor mede verantwoordelijk.
Het is volgens EUropean Voice beter: er is helemaal geen overeenstemming over een gemeenschappelijke EU-positie over Kyotoverlenging…
Green campaigners criticised the failure to reach a position, saying that an agreement for a second Kyoto period could now collapse, and the EU would be blamed.
Waarom krijgt Oxfam eigenlijk nog subsidie? Om de EU te belobbyen om meer subsidie voor zichzelf te krijgen….
Voor wie van sneeuw houdt, zoals de…