Schellnhuber strip met achtergrond

Klimaatalarmisme en religie op één kussen, daar slaapt de duivel tussen.

Hans Joachim Schellnhuber is directeur van het ‘Potsdam Institut für Klimafolgenforschung’ (PIK), te vergelijken met ons PBL (Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving), de oerbron van de klimaathysterie bij onze oosterburen. Jarenlang golden zijn uitspraken over het klimaat als even onfeilbaar als die van de Paus (ex cathedra). In tegenstelling tot vroeger wordt hij thans in interviews met Duitse journalisten ook geconfronteerd met kritische vragen. Maar hij is superintelligent en formuleert op superieure wijze en is dus geen partij voor het minder geïnformeerde journaille. Hij heeft er dan ook zo op het eerste gezicht geen enkele moeite om lastige vraagjes te pareren. Luister en lees bijvoorbeeld hier.

Zijn commentaar op de uitslag van de recente G7-Top is weer een knap staaltje van het apologetisch vernuft, waarin de meest fervente aanhangers van de menselijke broeikasgashypothese excelleren. Zoals ik eerder rapporteerde is hij er voorstander van dat onze samenleving volledig op de schop gaat om die verschrikkelijke opwarming van de aarde (die maar steeds niet wil komen) te bestrijden. Zelfs de democratie is daarbij niet heilig voor hem en zijn kompanen.

Onder de titel, ‘G7-Gipfel und Dekarbonisierung – ‘Aus Klimasicht hat Merkel wieder alles richtig gemacht”, rapporteerde Jasper Barenberg:

Dass der Begriff der ‘Dekarbonisierung’ zentral in der Abschlusserklärung des G7-Gipfels verankert ist, sei ein großer Erfolg der Bundesregierung, sagte Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Direktor des Potsdam-Instituts für Klimafolgenforschung, im DLF. Insgesamt käme es beim Klimawandel auf die politische Psychologie an: ‘Wer nicht will, findet Gründe; wer will, findet Wege.’

Wat hij daarbij vergeet te vertellen is dat de opwarming zo’n 18 jaar geleden is gestopt en dat de G7 voor het tijdschema van het klimaatbeleid St Juttemis als beschermheilige heeft gekozen.

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Maar onderschat de invloed van Hans Joachim Schellnhuber en zijn Duitse congregatie voor de klimaatgeloofsleer niet. Zoals wel eerder in geschiedenis is gebeurd, zijn onze oosterburen weer druk bezig de jeugd te indoctrineren – dit keer met een ideologie die vreedzamer is dan de vorige keer … maar toch.

Interesseren wij ons wel voldoende voor onze naaste buren? Weten wij bijvoorbeeld wat de middelbare scholieren in Duitsland krijgen te verstouwen?

Schellnhuber3Schellnhuber is inmiddels tot stripfiguur gepromoveerd (zie afbeelding boven). Maar belangrijker is het curriculum van de Duitse middelbare scholen, dat er in toenemende mate op gericht is om klimaat en duurzaamheid stevig in de jeugdige hersenpannetjes van de scholieren te stampen.

Catherine Rampell schrijft daar bijvoorbeeld over in de Washington Post:

Take Emmy-Noether-Schule, an 800-student secondary school in east Berlin I visited recently. Educators there consider climate change so pressing that they integrate it into just about every class you can think of (including, when the instructor is so inclined, Latin). About a quarter of the content in the 10th-grade English textbook, for example, is about threats to planet Earth. That means when kids learn to use the conditional mood in English, their grammar exercises rely on sentences like this: ‘If we don’t do something about global warming, more polar ice will start to melt.’

Likewise, in an 11th-grade geography class dedicated entirely to sustainability, students write poetry about ‘Klimawandel’ (climate change). My favorite couplet, from an ode by student Hannah Carsted: ‘The water level rises/ The fish are in a crisis.’

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Inmiddels heeft het Vaticaan bekend gemaakt dat de nieuwe milieuencycliek, Laudato Si (over de zorg van ons gemeenschappelijk huis), op 18 juni zal worden gepresenteerd. Maar verwacht wordt dat de nieuwe encycliek op veel weerstand zal stuiten bij Amerikaanse Rooms–Katholieken. Onder de titel, ‘Pope Francis May Find Wariness Among U.S. Bishops on Climate Change’, schreef Laurie Goodstein in de ‘New York Times’:

The church bulletin inserts are nearly ready to go. So are the emails to every Roman Catholic parish in the United States with preaching suggestions for the first Sunday after Pope Francis releases his encyclical on the environment.

A week after that, on June 28, churches worldwide are being asked to ring their bells at noon to commemorate a “Thank you, Pope Francis” march in Rome being held that day.

Never before, church leaders say, has a papal encyclical been anticipated so eagerly by so many. With Francis expected to make the case that climate change, unchecked development and overconsumption are exacerbating the suffering of the poor, advocates for the environment and the poor are thrilled.

But the leaders of the Catholic Church in the United States may be harder to win over. At the spring meeting of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops here last week, bishops from around the country said they were withholding their enthusiasm until they saw the document on Thursday.

Some said they were wary about getting the church enmeshed in the debate over climate change, a contentious issue in the United States. They also expressed concern about allying with environmentalists, some of whom promote population control as a remedy, since the church sees abortion and contraception as great evils.

Some bishops said they had received hate mail from Catholics skeptical of climate change. That has added to the bishops’ hesitation and confusion on the topic. …

Their wariness is one of many signs of the challenges Pope Francis faces with American Catholic leaders, who are more cautious and politically conservative than he seems to be on certain issues.

The bishops represent 51 million Catholics — constituting the country’s largest single church — and with their influential lobbying arm in Washington, they affect public opinion not just in the pews, but also in statehouses and Congress.

In recent years, they have devoted their time and resources to fighting against abortion, same-sex marriage and contraception and for religious exceptions, vouchers for religious schools and the rights of immigrants. They found common cause with Republican politicians and evangelicals, and attended conferences hosted by conservative and libertarian think tanks — where the bishops became acquainted with those who argue against the evidence that climate change is caused by human activity. …

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Volgens Rorate Caeli zal de nieuwe encycliek worden ingeleid door:

Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace;
His Eminence Metropolitan John (Zizioulas) of Pergamon, representing the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the Orthodox Church;
Prof. John Schellnhuber, Founding Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. …

Rorate Caeli zet vraagtekens bij de aanwezigheid van Hans Joachim Schellnhuber.

In the words of the New York Times, Schellnhuber is ‘known for his aggressive stance on climate policy’ and famously declared in 2009 that the ‘carrying capacity’ of the Earth is less than one billion people:

A scientist known for his aggressive stance on climate policy made an apocalyptic prediction on Thursday.

Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, the director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany, said that if the buildup of greenhouse gases and its consequences pushed global temperatures 9 degrees Fahrenheit higher than today — well below the upper temperature range that scientists project could occur from global warming — Earth’s population would be devastated.


‘In a very cynical way, it’s a triumph for science because at last we have stabilized something –- namely the estimates for the carrying capacity of the planet, namely below 1 billion people,’ said Dr. Schellnhuber, who has advised German Chancellor Angela Merkel on climate policy and is a visiting professor at Oxford.

At that temperature, there would be ‘no fluctuations anymore, we can be fairly sure,’ said Dr. Schellnhuber, exercising his characteristically dark sense of humor at the morning plenary session on the closing day of an international climate change conference in Copenhagen, Denmark.

He is also known for his intense advocacy of rapid de-industrialization in order to stave off global warming. A 2009 article quotes him as follows:

Four degrees of warming would be hotter than any time in the last 30 million years, and it could happen as soon as 2060 to 2070. ….

Last but not the least he is an advocate of a very real form of “World Government”, also in the name of defeating the climate crisis. …

While we expect (or rather, hope) that Mr. Schellnhuber will not be using the June 18 press conference to lay out his personal opinions, it is perplexing that the Vatican selected him to be the sole layman and environment expert to help present the Pope’s encyclical. The world is not lacking in scientists and experts who embrace global warming orthodoxy without advocating the kind of extremes represented by this man — it would not have been too difficult for the Vatican to find an alternative. His very presence on the panel does not do anything to assuage fears that regardless of Laudato Si’s actual teaching, it will be used by powerful lobbies to advance their own agendas that are ultimately unfriendly to the Church and the sanctity of human life.

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Hoe het ook zij, AGW (‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’) lijkt zich van een onafhankelijke pseudo–religie te hebben ontwikkeld tot een volwaardig leerstuk van een van de grote religies ter wereld. Een triomf van het obscurantisme!

Voor mijn eerdere bijdragen over klimaat en aanverwante zaken zie hierhier, hier, hier en hier.